The 7 Benefits of Having Metal Window Wells
Metal window wells are easily the most popular choice for basement windows, and it’s for a good reason. Here’s a look at homeowners’ choices for window wells and why metal offers the most benefits.
7 Window Well Installation Problems to Look Out For
If your window wells are not installed with precision and reinforced with adequate drainage, lining and covering systems, your home could suffer expensive water damage.
My Window Well is Flooding: What Do I Do?
Preventing window well flooding safeguards your home’s structure and your family’s health. A little attention to this detail saves you a lot of trouble down the road!
Your Total Guide to Basement Window Well Safety
In this guide, we will cover all you need to know about making your basement window wells safe and functional. So, let’s begin this journey towards enhancing the safety and comfort of our homes.
10 Signs You Are In Need of a Window Well Liner Replacement
No matter how functional or beautiful your window well liners are, the time will come when they need to be replaced. Let’s look at 10 signs that it’s time to replace your window well liners.
What is a Window Well Drain For? Your Questions Answered
The window well drain swiftly removes any accumulated water, acting as a shield against potential basement flooding and damage. Let’s explore the significance and workings of this crucial component, offering insights for homeowners and the curious alike.
Window Well Decor: What Are My Options?
Window wells might not always be the most attractive feature, but creative solutions are available to make them more visually appealing. Here are some great ways to upgrade your window wells.
Your Total Guide to The Different Kinds of Window Wells
When constructing basement window wells, selecting the material to hold the well’s shape requires research. Many different types of window wells are appropriate for specific climates and home designs.
How Do You Keep Water Out of Window Wells?
Basement windows are ideal for many reasons. They let natural light into an otherwise dark area. They allow an alternate escape route in case of an emergency, and — if done right — they can add to the look of your home (see our stylish window liners here). However, if done wrong, basement windows can […]
How Do I Adjust My Window Well Grate?
In this blog, we will discuss why adjusting your window well grates is important, cover common issues with them, and discuss how to properly maintain and care for them.