Before spending money on a product, you want to make sure it’s going to be worth it. You want it to work, work well, and hold up well over time. If you have window wells, you may have wondered what the benefits of having a window well cover are. Here are just a few…
1. Safety
One huge benefit of having window well covers, whether they be metal grate window well covers or bubble window well covers, you are protecting family members, visitors, and even animals from falling into a window well and getting injured. Your window well cover will be able to hold an impressive amount of weight so that no matter who accidentally steps on it, they’ll be protected.
2. Emergencies
When you have basement windows, they are required to also serve as egress or escape routes for you and your family members in case of an emergency. When you put in egress window well covers on your window wells, you are ensuring that that escape route stays clear and useable. Window well covers are also easily opened from the inside, so anyone who needs to get out of your home will easily be able to.
3. Security
While your window well cover may be easy to open from the inside for safe and swift escape, it is nearly impossible to open from this outside. This means that your home will have an added measure of security that it wouldn’t otherwise. When properly installed, your window well cover will help to protect from any intruders. Basements are a very easy target for those hoping to break into your home. Just the site of a cover can help keep intruders from trying to get in.
4. Energy Savings
Having a window well cover can also help you save money with energy savings. Sometimes basement windows aren’t as efficient at keeping out cold and hot air as they should be. But with bubble window well covers and custom window well covers, you can help your home at a steady temperature, and save some money on your monthly bills.
5. Protection
Lastly, your window well cover can help protect your home from flooding. Bubble window well covers and other clear window wells achieve this by actually keeping water out in the first place. Your standard grate and metal window well covers work to keep debris out of your window well and clogging up the drainage system. You’ll be grateful for some added protection against flooding when those summer thunderstorms roll in, and the winter snow begins to melt.
If you’re looking for quality window well covers for your home, contact the window well experts at Windowell Expressions.