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Is it safe to put anything on top of my window well covers?

Is It Safe To Put Anything On Top Of Window Well Covers

With Spring just around the corner, you may be anticipating lots of rain. If you’re worried about any amount of flash flooding and keeping your basement dry, you may have taken a closer look at your window wells. With such a big hole giving access to your basement, surely there is a way to cover it up and keep water out?

While there are things you can do to proactively keep water out of your basement, you also need to be careful. Because the bottom line is it isn’t safe to put anything on top of your window well covers.

Why isn’t it safe to put anything on top of my window well covers?

The number one reason is because the purpose of your window well is more than a light source for the basement. It serves as an egress, or emergency exit for those dwelling or even just hanging out in the basement. For example, you may think it’s a good idea to put a tarp over your window well cover to really seal out water. But what if, heaven forbid, there was a fire in your home; it would be just that much more difficult for a family member to try to push and lift that tarp out of the way. While chances of this happening may not be extremely high, you don’t want to risk it.

What can I do instead?

If you have a traditional grate window well cover, it may be time for a change. By installing a clear window well cover from Windowell Expressions you’ll get all of the added protection of a standard grate cover and more. You’ll continue to keep family members safe from falling in as well as pets and other animals. You’ll also keep out debris like big twigs. But a clear window well cover will also keep out smaller bits of debris like leaves and even grass clippings! And of course, your clear window well cover will do an excellent job keeping out rain water as well as snow.

And rest assured that both your standard and clear window well cover are designed to be easily opened from the inside of your window well, making them an easy and safe choice for your family.

Another way to help with excess moisture in your window well is with a properly installed window well liner. When initially installed, your window well liner also has an efficient drainage system that works to move water away from your home and basement windows. If you have an issue with unreliable water drainage, you may need to look into updating or repairing your window well’s drainage system or installing a new window well liner.

Whatever the case may be, if you are looking for a company with plenty of experience in the window well industry, go with the professionals here at Windowell Expressions. They will be able to help you decide the best course of action for you and your family.

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