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When To Replace Your Window Well

When was the last time you checked your window wells? Learning to recognize the signs of a well-worn window well that needs replacing could save you from needing to replace more expensive things down the road.

Take care of window well replacement before it has the chance to cause expensive damages to your house. Investing in a watertight draining system is cheaper and easier than dealing with flood damage.

You will likely need to replace your window well if your basement experiences any flooding. Dealing with the damages of a flood and then having to repeat the process because of a damaged window well would be a real headache. Outside from flood damages, your window well can be damaged through time.

Signs of Aging

Examine your window well from the outside. Do you see bumps, scrapes, or rust? Does it look a little beat up after years of use? Even a high-quality window well doesn’t last forever. With constant exposure to the elements, there is bound to be some wear and tear. Window well liners may be pulling away from the wall, allowing water to seep through. Cracks may also allow water to leak and debris to clog up the drain.

Aged window wells can bring down your curb appeal and wreak havoc on your foundation. If moisture is able to leak into your basement, it’s definitely time for a new window well. There may be signs of condensation, moisture, or mold growth. Replacing your window well before these signs start popping up is a great way to avoid potential damage and other needed repairs.

Remove the Old Window Well

Getting a new window well means removing the current window well. Proper removal is important to avoid any potential flooding. Hire a professional to get this job done. Attempting it on your own could easily mean expensive damages well beyond the cost of replacing a window well.

Rework the Drain System

The drainage system you have in place should be inspected by a professional. This system is extremely important as it protects your foundation from flooding. It’s also important to keep this drain clear. Consistently check to drain for clogging. Keeping it clean will prevent debris from backing it up and leading to damage in the system and possible flooding. If the drain isn’t functioning properly, a new drain pipe may be necessary. This drain system enters into the home’s foundation and connects to the sump pump or drains out away from the foundation. Once the drain is functioning properly and in place, gravel is placed over it.

Install the New Window Well

After all the preparations have been done, the foundation will need to be cleaned and smoothed over. The new well will then be fitted in place and securely fastened to the foundation. Another layer of gravel should be added to the bottom. More support should be added by placing soil around the edges of the new fixture.

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