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Window Well Cover Damage – Repair or Replace?

You have window well covers over your basement window wells, and they have worked great for you and your home. But over time they may start to get worn out and not do the job so well. You start noticing more leaves piling up in your window well each fall, and increasing amounts of snow in the wintertime.

As you take a closer look at your window well cover you find the reason your cover is failing is because it is damaged. It may have happened slowly over time due to wear-and-tear, or you may not have had your window well cover long only to find a crack or dent due to some kind of accident. Either way, something needs to be done. But should you repair or replace your window well cover?


Your egress window well covers are vital to keeping unwanted debris out, while letting your family escape easily in an emergency. If you find your cover is damaged you may opt to repair it and get it back to working order as quickly as possible. Depending on the amount of damage, repairing it can be possible. If your plastic window well cover is scratched, you can try applying some furniture polish to help buff them out. You can also try a CD repair kit to help minimize scratches.  

But if you have a custom window well cover, whether it is a clear or great cover, that is cracked or bent out of shape, the cost of repair will depend on the severity of the damage. It is best to contact a business who sells well covers near you and get a quote. If the damage is severe, it may be more worthwhile to replace the window well cover.


Replacing your window well cover comes with its own decisions. First of all, you’ll have to decide which type of cover you want to buy, which brand to choose, and then where to make your purchase.

Home Depot sells many window well covers. Adjust-a-Grate offers aluminum window well grates that are adjustable to fit a number of wells. There are also many window well covers found on Amazon, like the MacCourt 4425R. But if you’re looking for a new custom window well cover made from the best materials around, the obvious choice is Windowell Expressions.

Choose a clear window well cover to allow as much natural light into your basement as possible, while giving the outside of your home a clean look. Or choose a standard or custom window well grate cover that will keep those in your yard safe and guard your home from burglaries. Whichever cover you choose, you can expect years of protection from your cover for your home and your family.

Regardless of whether you choose to repair your window well cover or replace it, you want to act fast. Your window well cover keeps unwanted debris out of your window well allowing for proper drainage, and keeps animals and family members safe from hazardous falls. If you choose to replace your cover, call Windowell Exressions today.  


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