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Window Well Height: What’s The Rule?

Window Well Height: What's The Rule

Whether you are building a new home, or remodeling an old home- knowing the requirements for windows and window well height is a must. 

There are certain rules and codes to follow in Utah and beginning with these in mind will make either option seem less stressful. 

What Is A Window Well?

First things first. For those of you that are new here, we want to cover a few basics. For windows in the basement of your home, the window welll is the portion that leads outside to fresh air and sunshine. All basement windows have to be a standard size for egress and in case of emergency. 

Why Do I Need One?

Legally, you have to have a window well if you have basement windows. There are certain codes and rules that builders have to follow when constructing residential buildings. Window wells add an extra layer of protection to your basement windows and basement foundation against weather and other elements that could potentially cause harm.

What Accessories Do I Need For My Window Well?

Window well accessories are more of a necessity than a material want. These consist of Window Well covers that come in different shapes and sizes. 

Clear Window Well Covers

Choosing a clear cover for your window well can add levels of safety and beauty. Not only is it aesthetically pleasing to look at, but it allows for protection against children, animals, and debri from falling inside. 

Metal Window Well Grates

Metal Window Well Grates are another sturdy option to close off your window wells. They also add a level of  safety and protection, but allow for small debri and precipitation to fall through the grates and into your window well. 

Where Do I Start?

Before beginning, brush up on the regulations of the state that you are in for window construction. Depending on what type of window you have and where- will determine your next course of action.

What Is an Egress Window?

An Egress Window, is a term used to describe points of exit or entry available to use in the event of an emergency. When you hear the term “Egress code” this involves the list of guidelines that homes need to follow to ensure that they have enough exits. Window wells fall into this category and also have their own set of code and regulations.

What Is the Standard Window Well Height I Need To Follow?

When determining window well height, a window well should be constructed at an area no less than 9 square feet. When the depth of the window well is greater than 44 inches, a ladder or steps have to be constructed and installed.

Contact Windowell Expressions for Your Window Well Needs

At Windowell Expressions you can count on optimum service and quality products. We have been servicing the Wasatch front for 25 years. We know our product and are happy to help you find the best window well accessories for your unique space. If you need assistance with your window well height, look no further. Our office is located in Salt Lake City, Utah. Come down and visit our friendly staff and employees, or give us a call at (801)-270-9355. Contact us today!

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