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How To Make Your Window Wells Look Beautiful (With or Without Liners)

Window wells have largely been neglected in many homes as just a protective element and something to allow light in; however, cleaning them up and making them look appealing can do wonders for your home’s aesthetics. 

With more families spending time in their basement, cleaning out the cobwebs and installing unique interest makes sense. Discover the ways in which to make your window wells look attractive with or without using liners.

From the Inside

Instead of looking out a dull and lifeless metal window well from your basement, give it life with color and many options in which to choose. First, give them a good cleaning, inspecting them for any water damage, taking caution to ensure no water can penetrate the well. Next, incorporate interest that fits your style and personality. If you have kids in the basement, tailor the window wells to fit their style, so they feel comfortable; it may also help them feel safer in their surroundings–particularly for small children.

From the Outside

An attractive window well that matches an equally beautiful landscape makes for an impressive curb appeal. For safety around little kids, a window well cover is a must, but that doesn’t mean you can’t make it look attractive around the area. Building a garden box gives your home a facelift, due to the increased interest and landscape beauty. You can also create a rock bed around the cover, which offers low maintenance. 

Beauty with Liners

Window well liners allow a different view outside. Liners are the most commonly nonstructural and semiflexible plastics molded to reflect a scenery, such as with rock, a rainforest, or landscape paintings. Imagine looking out a serene, blue ocean or a gorgeous fall scene instead of a dull and dirty window well. There’s also faux rock window well that offers garden steps for planting; this invites a warm and inviting feel to a cold basement. 

Best thing is, liners are easy to install and transforms your window well instantly.

Beauty without Liners

You can also create a warm and inviting feel without window well liners. Painting window wells is a trend that offers several different looks, depending on your style. You can also plant ivy or other clinging plants on the egress of the window well. Of course, with small children, install a window well cover for safety and to keep out unwelcome critters. A clear plastic cover still allows light inside and easily removable if needed. A great idea is to add small steps into the window well, to make it easier to escape in case of an emergency.  

Build a beautiful stone wall that captures your attention or fill your window well with holiday decor. Try a Halloween graveyard or small evergreen trees decorated with lights for Christmas, get creative, and watch your basement transform into a fun environment.

Call Windowell Expressions

Whether you opt for window well liners or not, we can help. If you need covers or want to try liners, give us a call. We can answer your questions and offer the best options for your needs, desires, and budget. Contact us today.

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