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Keeping Leaves Out of My Window Wells

Keeping Leaves Out of My Window Wells

There are so many fun things about fall—leaves changing, pumpkin carving, sweaters and hot chocolate. There are also some not so fun things about fall – decaying leaves all over your yard, cold weather and lots of rain, maybe even some snow. While you can, and definitely should, enjoy the good things about fall with your family and friends, it’s important to prepare for the downside of fall too.

When it comes to the care of your home, falling leaves and fall weather should be high on your priority list. Letting those leaves decay on your lawn, especially if they happen to get covered in a layer of snow, can wreak havoc on your lawn come springtime. If your home and yard aren’t in good condition to handle the extra precipitation that comes from the fall weather, you may have to deal with flooding issues. One thing you can do to protect your home this fall is to keep leaves out of your window wells.


Windows wells are a great way to shed some extra light into your basement, and it can also serve as an emergency exit. But if not properly taken care of, window wells can be a source of flooding in your basement.

When window wells are installed, a drainage system is put in place to move any excess water away from your home. This works very well until debris works its way into your window well, blocking that drainage system. One culprit of such blockages are leaves.

When leaves make their way into your window well it not only creates an unpleasant view from your window but it also threatens proper drainage.

To avoid hiring a professional to come out and rework your drainage system, either partially or with intense construction, it’s important to keep your window well clear of leaves, twigs, rocks, and dirt.



So how can you keep all of the beautiful fall leaves from building up in your window well and potentially leading to water damage or flooding in your basement? The answer is good old-fashioned hard work with a rake. When your leaves start to fall, enlist the help of your children to rake up the leaves. You can even spend some time jumping into them so there it’s not all work and no play.

Window Well Cover

Realistically you’d love to always rake your leaves. But what do you do when life gets in the way and you’re unable to rake? Or if you have several mature trees that are simply too much to keep up with? The answer is a clear window well cover from Windowell Expressions. The clear window well covers will still allow light into your basement while protecting your well from falling leaves. For more information about how to clear window well covers installed before the falling leaves get out of hand, contact Windowell Expressions today!

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