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Galvanized Window Wells: Pros and Cons

Adding window wells to your basement is not only a requirement for safety, but it can really do a lot to make your basement space more enjoyable. Egress windows are required in basements to allow you and your family to safely escape in case of a fire or other emergency. But not only that, your […]

How To Plan To Get Out of Your Basement in the Case of An Emergency

Planning for an emergency can be a daunting task, but it is one that is necessary if you are going to keep your family members safe and prepared should the worst and unexpected happen. If you’re upstairs in your home you likely know whether the front door, the garage, or other doors and windows will […]

Window Wells – Emergency Escape Plan

Having a fire in your home can be a very scary experience. It’s never something you want to happen, but something that is important to plan for. Whether you find yourself in the upstairs, the main level, or the basement of your home when you smell smoke, you need to be prepared and know exactly […]

What Do Foundation Liners Do?

As you drive through your neighborhood and admire the landscaping and the exterior of your neighbor’s homes, you may notice something that seems to set some of the houses apart more than just a well-manicured lawn. At the base of their homes there is an attractive lining that looks like rock or stone. It is […]

Pros To Bubble Window Well Covers

If you’re looking for a window well covers for your home, you’ll quickly find that there are many options to choose from. Whether you’re shopping at Lowe’s for window well covers, or window well covers from Amazon, you may be wondering which to choose… a standard grate window well cover or a clear bubble window […]

Window Well Cover Damage – Repair or Replace?

You have window well covers over your basement window wells, and they have worked great for you and your home. But over time they may start to get worn out and not do the job so well. You start noticing more leaves piling up in your window well each fall, and increasing amounts of snow […]

What Does A Water Damaged Window Well Mean For You?

As you go about your everyday tasks in your home and you stop to take a look out of your basement window, you happen to notice a little bit of moisture. The further you inspect the more clear it becomes… you have water damage in your window well. But what does a water damaged window […]

How is a Foundation Liner Installed?

A foundation liner can do many things for your home. First, it is an added layer of defense against the inevitable wear and tear that will happen over time. In Utah this means keeping unwanted moisture away from your foundation so that it will stay dry and secure. With that added protection also comes savings […]

What is a Foundation Liner?

Your foundation is one of the most important parts of your home. It is made up of, quite literally, the building blocks that support every room, door, and window used to keep your family safe and cozy. You want to take care of your foundation, and you definitely don’t want to deal with any foundation […]

Should You Have an Emergency Escape Ladder in Your Window Well?

Having an emergency exit in your basement is a requirement put in place to keep you and your family safe. When it comes to your basement, this is easily achieved with an egress window. An egress window is a window, particularly in bedrooms, that meet certain dimension requirements. An egress window must be at least […]